what is an essential oil BLEND?

what is an essential oil BLEND?

Mr. Gary Young, the founder of Young Living, has spend years studying and researching essential oils and their different properties and how they effect our bodies. Because of this, there are many blends of oils available through Young Living that are targeted for...
so, what ARE essential oils anyway?

so, what ARE essential oils anyway?

WELCOME to my series on ESSENTIAL OILS and what they are, how they are extracted and why Young Living is the leader in this industry, including their process that guarantees the oils are the highest, purest quality on the market. Have you just simply wondered what in...
Why Young Living* brand?

Why Young Living* brand?

There are a myriad of little things that I learned in reading about essential oils that led me to go with Young Living. {this post has had some minor edits since it’s original posting} If you have time and an inclination to read many blog posts and research...