{all-day} spaghetti sauce

Not too long ago I told you guys that I'd be posting my Homemade Spaghetti Sauce recipe ... 🙂 Here it is: This is meant to be put in a crock-pot/slow-cooker, hence the name {all-day}; but you could totally put this on the stove and simmer on low for a couple hours......

{baby steps} to less sugar

Sometimes when people ask me about feeding their families less sugar, I think they are simply overwhelmed by the thought of cutting ALL sugar from every source... that is a daunting goal; and one that I have not yet reached either! But here are a few tips I followed...

eggy muffins {S} or {FP}

I love to have breakfast all prepared and ready to go before I even get up in the mornings.... I am NOT a morning person. 🙂 These can require a heat-up; but if you use a microwave it's just about 30 sec to READY! {I have been known to eat them cold...} Here's what...

keeping lettuce clean & fresh!

I have learned a few tricks about food  from TV {yikes!! hehe} One of them is that slightly wilted lettuce can be revived with an ice-cold bath! {who WOULDN'T be revived that way? :)} Something I have learned from simply researching natural health and cleaning...

a special day {S}

For Valentines Day {wow... I am so behind-ha} my hubby suggested getting Chinese take-out, one of my favorite things that I don't have to cook! And at first, I agreed. I was fatigued and a bit overwhelmed by other things going on... Then I got to thinking of the money...

“no-mess” oppsie muffins {S}

So, I made the oopsie roll [links to original recipe I used, minus the splenda or any sweetener] the other week to use with a big, juicy grilled hamburger. I ended up loving it, and so did my kids! So, today I really wanted some kind of 'roll' side for our steak lunch...