about Peppermint

about peppermint essential oil Did you know that PEPPERMINT essential oil comes from one of the oldest and most highly regarded herbs for soothing digestion?Its botanical name is Mentha piperita and the family is Lamiacceae or Labiatae. Its plants...

about Lemon

LEMON essential oil is a very useful oil. It’s botanical name is Citrus limon and the family is Rutacceae. Its plants originate in California and Italy.Something that amazed me when I read about Lemon essential oil was its ability to kill bacteria and viruses, without...

about Lavender

Did you know that LAVENDER essential oil is probably the most versatile of all essential oils?It’s botanical name is Lavandula angustifolia and the family is Lamiacceae or Labiatae. Its plant originates in France. Truly pure lavender has been highly regarded for...

about Frankincense

Did you know that FRANKINCENSE essential oil is very versatile?It’s botanical name is Burseraceae, and its plant originates in Somolia.It is steam distilled from the resin of the plant. In ancient times it was thought to be able to “treat every conceivable ill known...