In addition to learning to eat healthier,

I have been trying to learn about HEALING healthier…

…less pharmaceutical medicines and more natural remedies.

In beginning this journey, I have become a believer in Essential Oils as a source for natural healing… and I have also become an Independent Distributor for Young Living Essential Oils. 

YLEO ind_dist

I believe in the quality of the oils from this company and could not recommend any others. I have used a few singles and blends since receiving my starter kit about 2 weeks ago and have been AMAZED at how well they work.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me.


Personally, we have used the “Allergy Trio” of peppermint, lavender, and lemon to treat our spring allergies… and it seems to have worked as well as {claritin} or {allegra} or {benadryl} without any of the possible side-effects that come with using OTC meds.

Many of the oils can be taken internally, but my preferred and the most potent for myself is to apply topically in certain places on my body.

There are several blends and recipes for pain relief, and using the citrus oils are a wonderful way to help detox your body… though I would add that a diet change will also help in maintaining a cleaner body! 🙂

I hope you will enjoy my journey of learning about a healthier body…and I would love to know that you stopped by!